Friday night is ‘Curry Night’ for the computer bus man, but today was “Curry Lunchtime” as the teachers at Kewaigue School put on a special feast for what was scheduled to be the last visit of the bus to Kewaigue after 22-years service...

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YEAR 1/2 came on board the bus and had an introduction to 2D modelling using Apple’s ‘Page Layout’ mode in Pages. As well as adding, resizing and recolouring shapes, they practiced how to ‘right-click’ to reorder shapes, alt+drag to duplicate objects and dragging files from the desktop to their drawing. For many this was their first go at this kind of work and the results shown here speak for themselves.

YEAR 1/2


YEAR 3 followed and as part of their ‘Stone Age’ topic found out how to make basics shapes ‘editable’ using the ‘right-click’ to create original drawings of stone age artefacts. These were enhanced with an ‘inky’ border to give their work a ‘hand-drawn’ look. They followed this work up later in class and work produced by Sam (RIGHT) shows what can be done. Well don Sam - well done Year 3 !

YEAR 4/5

YEAR 4/5 also found out how to make basics shapes ‘editable’ using the ‘right-click’ to create original drawings of polar animals. They based their ideas on clip art available on the web, but reworked these to make animals of their own. For example, the penguin (ABOVE RIGHT) is entirely the work of Jade and Bethany.

YEAR 4/5

EU CodeWeek took place over a fortnight from October 5th this year, and as part of 59 events running around the Isle of Man the computer bus finished its contribution at Kewaigue with Year 6 being introduced to the basics of html coding. They began by creating a simple web page about  their topic ‘Coasts’. See for example Scarlett’s work about the Chough (ABOVE LEFT).

This brought to an end an eventful and enjoyable day at Kewaigue School which was scheduled to be the last...

*However - later, a special request from Connie in Year 2 asking for the computer bus to return to school for another visit was taken up - meaning the bus may well return to Kewaigue, before the retirement of the computer bus man (!)